From The Sacred Valley of Peru - Words of Wisdom From My Rose Dieta

After my time with the Indigenous Kogi in Colombia I traveled to the Sacred Valley of Peru for a Rose Dieta.


Let’s just say there was life before & after Rose Dieta.


The Dieta was a time for silence, fasting, meditating, solitude and communing solely with the Rose Plant.


This is something I have always wanted to do because the Rose is the highest frequency plant, the 3D manifestation of Divine Love. Thus drinking her tea is an ultimate purification and frequency raising process.


Today I’m slowly easing back into life, social media, emails and messages since my Rose Dieta because for a week I was off my phone, email, social media, messengers & the online space. 


During such a potent transformational, energetic process, it’s important to be in one's own sovereign energy.

The last time I did that was in 2020!

It was a much appreciated break to focus on my personal healing, ascension & development,


This was also for my professional development because I knew the frequencies and codes Rose would transmit to me, would serve the sacred spaces I hold for my clients’ during sessions, healings, rituals and ceremonies online, in person and on retreats.


I had many intentions for this sacred time some of which included:

  • A deepening in Patience & Trust

  • Greater Embodiment of the Divine Feminine

  • Stronger Boundaries

  • Greater Compassion, Gentleness & Softness

  • Greater Sovereignty-clearing of any frequencies not of my Divine Essence

  • Greater Embodiment of Divine Union & Divine Love

  • Continued Healing & Union between the Feminine and Masculine within and in relationship

Let's just say she didn't disappoint! 

I received all this and SO much more!


Who would’ve thought 1 week of personal development and healing would give an ROI of 6 months of content on top of my upgrades.


I’m amazed at what a gentle, potent teacher she is and how much she communicates.

She initiated me the last hour.

Now I carry her medicine.

Such a beautiful experience, I cried!


Rose guided me to share 3 offers over the next six months.

As well as a very generous mystery bundle for those of you who already feel the pull to mentor with me, receive your personal upgrades and learn my modalities.


She inspired dozens of posts to come, guiding me to share more about the human experience from the energetic and shamanic perspective.


So you’ll be seeing new kinds of content I usually only reserve for my 1:1, certain courses and women’s programs.


Overall I feel I’ve changed how I operate, experience and see life.


The 3 teachings that have stuck with me most:


1. Before doing or saying anything, first ask,

Does this create harmony?

If the answer is no, what can you say/do instead that does? Or just say nothing.

It’s already made such a difference in relating with others.

It does require you to put aside your ego, pride, and need to teach or be right.


2. Share, honor and communicate boundaries in a way that is harmonious - this does not mean give in and people please.


3. Don’t feed the triggers! Bc they feed entities.

Instead, witness them, breathe.

Wait. Respond when the trigger has passed.


I’ve been sharing more insights inside of my Ceremony - A Return to Love container, which you receive as a bonus when you sign up for the mystery bundle, which I'll be sending more info on tomorrow! But of course if you're curious you can reply to this email and I am happy to share more.


I’m still extra sensitive energetically, so I’m taking some time to ground here in the Sacred Valley. I rented a gorgeous home with stunning view of the sacred mountains to nourish my integration.


If you wish to learn more and go deeper in all of this with me in a way that supports your greatest becoming, I recommend joining me for Ceremony - A Return to Love >>>