My Time With The Kogi Indigenous in Colombia

I just finished a 3 week trip in Colombia visiting my roots, including my grandparents and the Indigenous Kogi.


As you know I come from a lineage of indigenous Colombian shamans and healers through my mother's line, but much was forgotten when my grandparents moved to America.


When I went though my spiritual awakening the intuitive and energetic gifts I inherited became activated and were a part of the reason I left Western Medicine.


Some people can't understand this, and have even commented how a woman as educated and cultured as me returns to the indigenous for personal healing and continued training.


The indigenous are still connected to certain ways of living in balance and reverence with our Mother Earth and all beings and things for a harmonious, healthy, whole life.


This ancient knowledge from the beginning of time is needed to heal and regenerate our planet as well as to bring peace to humanity for the continued co-create of the New Earth.


I love time in remote simple places connected to the Earth. I feel very grateful to have had this time to also continue my personal healing and ascension.


I am here as a bridge between the ancient and future. I work in shamanic ways with my clients with rituals as well because we can ask the elements and the divine for support with our greatest becoming.


Whenever I return from trips around the world with various elders, medicine people and the indigenous, I feel a renewed sense of purpose and an activation and amplification of my gifts, and it's an honor to share these gifts and to pass them on.


Also, just like you may go to a doctor for a check up, having a healing or shamanic session is beautiful to support your greatest becoming even if you're not sick or nothing appears “wrong” or “challenged” because it can still support your next level expansion.


The Mama Se invited me to return to continue apprenticeship with him. I will do my best to return annually.


Unfortunately I didn't get a picture with the 2 Mama Ses (one healer and another elder shaman who is approximately 120 years old and he only has a few gray hairs btw), but in these photos are pictures of his children who were supportive and assisted my grandmother and I in our process.

This woman, the Mama Se's eldest daughter, held important healing around the theme of possessiveness and jealousy for me.


These traits can be so detrimental to relationship, ourselves and our masculine/feminine counterpart.


It is like a poison that can taint the relationship as well as cause illness.


I call these type of destructive human emotions viruses.

Because I truly believe we don't have to feel them. 

They are part of the anti-life forces in our reality, but they can be healed and cleared from our human experience.


I heard somewhere that at certain altitudes, such as on an airplane, that humans don't actually experience jealousy, which I found to be fascinating if it's in fact true.


And it makes sense speaking to this woman who has spent much of her life at high altitude in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.


She was sharing how she doesn't feel jealousy or possessiveness despite her husband now having a second, younger wife. She shared that some men in their culture take a second wife, and that the first wives are not jealous about it. The women say hi to each other and ask how are you doing without any problems.


I asked her if someone does feel jealous what is done to clear it.


She said to talk about it.


She was so relaxed and nonchalant as she shared.


It was amazing to witness this because I've never met a woman who held such an energy when speaking of such things.


I come from a Colombian lineage where it is very common, and even considered normal to feel jealousy and possessiveness. 


I have also personally felt it at times in romantic relationship even though my conscious mind and highest self knows better. 

It's like a cellular sensation in the body that is likely ancestrally, generationally and karmically inherited.


Clients, friends and family, especially Latin ones I observe, have felt these feelings in moments too.


I feel this is part of what we must heal when we do our healing work in relation to the masculine and feminine within ourselves and in our relationships.


As I listened to her, I suddenly began to cry. 

I felt a contraction / heaviness in my heart I didn't even know was there release.


It was beautiful. I felt lighter.


This is the power of being in the energetic presence of people who hold codes you wish to embody.




There is nothing you need to “do” for your healing other than to show up to the divine appointments sent on your path. 


May this message be an inspiration for you to continue your healing and personal development journey wherever you are in the process in the way that feels good for you.